Monday, October 29, 2007

What is a Maxim?

I preached a sermon last week titled "Paul's Maxims to Live By". I discovered from Philippians 1:12-30 that Paul was revealing some ideas that guided his live. The word maxim popped into my little mind, and it seemed to click. Paul had maxim's that guided the decisions he made and the actions he took. But I discovered that none of the people listening knew what a Maxim was. I quoted my favorite definition (by Immanuel Kant no less) "a subjective principle or rule that the will of an individual uses in making a decision." It still didn't click.
Then I started listing some of my personal maxim's...
  • Always give God one more day to show His power
  • Never explain anything
  • You are either a winner or a whiner
  • You are either a Gainer or a Complainer
  • Never take ANYTHING for granted
  • If you can't do something with all your heart STAY HOME!
They still couldn't understand what a maxim is. Then I mentioned what I consider a maxim-"If it ain't broke-don't fix it".
The light went on! Oh Yeah, now we understand. Evidently most of them lived their life by the maxim of if it ain't broke-don't fix it! It made sense.

This blog will be about the maxim's that guide my life. Just for your curiosity about Paul, his three personal maxim's tat he revealed in Philippians were:
  1. Live to Advance
  2. Live to Die
  3. Live to be Worthy
I don't think Paul lived by the maxim of "If it ain't broke don't fix it".

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