Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Call No Pastor Wants to Take

Marvin Borth called me yesterday. Marvin and Mary had become an integral part of the little church I first pastored in Edgerton, KS. Marvin is a distinguished looking former Master Sergeant and Mary is the perpetual bundle of energy disguised as a caring, lovely 'mature' woman. For some reason they loved our church and jumped in with both feet. Mary played the organ, organized and directed the children's hand bells, and was active and committed to growing in the Lord. Marvin was a newer Christian but was eager to grow and become active as well. He eventually became our Treasurer and was in charge of keeping our facility looking sharp.

The amazing thing about Mary and Marvin was that they were in their early 70's and Mary was a Stage IV Breast Cancer Survivor. When they first came to our church Mary was in the second year since her surgery and radiation/chemo. She was praising the Lord for every day. They even got involved in Awana's. But where Mary excelled was in her love for the Lord as she played the organ. She could set the mood for worship in such a Holy and Spirit-filled way-just by playing the organ.
I grew to love Mary and Marvin, just as I had loved my own Mom and Dad who had passed away in 95 and 96. In many ways seeing them each Sunday filled the void of not seeing my Parents realize their dream of their son becoming a Pastor.
I learned many things from Mary and Marvin. We even had to work through some 'church' problems together. They responded to my 'pastoring' with discernment and love. We sharpened each other as we moved toward that prize of the high calling in Jesus.

Even though I had moved to another church, they asked me to come back just this past June and help officiate at their 50th Anniversary and Renewing of Vows. Such a wonderful day! And now this call.

A couple months ago they found cancer in Mary's lungs. The radiation and chemo seemed to get rid of it all, but after a visit to the emergency room January 4th, they discovered it had gone to her brain in a very aggressive manner. Lydia and I visited with Mary and Marvin in the hospital. Mary is such an energetic person, so it was disheartening to see how the cancer was beginning to take the life from her. I get mad at cancer. I think it is the cruelest way to see a loved one go. When I saw it take the life from my Mom, I got mad at God, and I thought, no way you can do this. But I had to come to grips with man's sin and God's Sovereignty. His way is perfect. He was perfect in His dealing with my Mom and now He is perfect in His dealings with Mary Borth.

Marvin called me and said that the radiation and steroids do not appear to be working. Each day Mary seems to worsen. Even the Doctor is not hopeful. With tears he asked if I would do the funeral. I agreed to, but I don't know how I will be able to. I was not a preacher when my Mom died, but I don't think I could have done the funeral. If God calls Mary home, the only way I'll get through will be to focus on the JOY that she is experiencing in the presence of the Lord.

In May of 07 Mary and Marvin visited the church where I now Pastor. I had Mary give her testimony of how God had miraculously healed her from Stage IV Breast Cancer. It was going on seven years since the diagnosis. She was very encouraging to the ladies in our church. Since her testimony, two women have been found to have cancer, and are dealing with the surgery and post-op treatments. Her testimony has been beneficial to both.
Lord, I know you can do miracles like they are no big deal. I don't pretend to know your will, but I do know you care for Mary. She is one of your special saints. We want your will to be done, but we would really love to have Mary around a while longer. Shrink the tumor, Lord. Be merciful to Mary.

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