Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Ice Man Cometh

Well the ice storm that wasn't came on Sunday Dec 9. Most every church in Belton and Peculiar canceled. I chose not to cancel. One of those little maxims that guides my life kicked in. If people can get to work and go shopping, we shouldn't cancel church. Sure enough, we got sleet instead of ice. A lot of people stayed home, but we had 21 people for a combined Sunday school class and 25 for worship. We even had two returning visitors as well as one new guest who brought his 6 week old daughter. He had not been to church in a year and is wanting to re-connect with fellow believers. Parenthood tends to bring that out in us. We had a great time of singing and worshiping the Lord. The fellowship was really great.
I left praising God for having been in His house.
If you are interested, here is the sermon on anxiety that I preached.

The ice man is still around however. He started hitting us last night (Tuesday). We had to cancel our ladies Christmas Tea and ornament exchange. The men had to cancel our broken tool exchange. I was really looking forward to getting rid of a couple broken pliers.

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