Monday, November 12, 2007

Blamer or Gamer

Maxim #29 You are either a BLAMER or a GAMER.
I hate to over simplify people. But it seems to be very true that there are people who make excuses or assess blame for why something didn't get done. Or there are the people who get in the game and get the job done. Sure, they stumble, they fumble, but at least they are giving it their all. That's what I mean by your are either a blamer or a gamer.
I have learned that people are always going to look for someone to blame.
Deacon Stephen certainly was a GAMER.
He pointed the finger of blame. Not to excuse his actions, but to take the GAME of Jesus to those Jews who had crucified the Christ. The Jews had blamed Jesus, they had Him crucified to escape their responsibility. But Stephen confronted them with the Truth, and they couldn't take it. Stephen was in the GAME, giving it his all, even his life.

I used to be shy and afraid of making mistakes. Now I don't care. I believe in getting in the game and getting things done. No one is going to take the blame for what I don't get done. Success of an organization, a family, a church, rises and falls on the vision of the leader.

On another note. One of my pet peeves is having to preach "seasonal" sermons.
If I'm in a series or a book, I don't want to stop and preach a sermon appropriate to the season or holiday. But I realize that the people tend to expect it. It feels comfortable to them. So I will be the dutiful pastor and preach a sermon appropriate for Thanksgiving.

In all actuality, it is important to remind everyone to Thank God
. I was praying up at the church tonight, and I just started thanking God. Over and over again I thanked him. I yelled it out. How liberating, how exhilarating.

You know, when you get busy THANKING GOD, you don't have time to worry about blaming somebody. When you THANK GOD, you get excited and want to GET IN THE GAME!

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