Monday, November 5, 2007

Growing Up Too Fast?

Luke has just learned to walk. He waited until he was sure he could do it. I think he is 13 months old. Some would call that slow, but he was just making sure he wanted to. Once he figured it out, he is anxious to keep on going. He was already trying on bigger shoes to see what walking in them would be like. He did pretty good. Sometimes we adults do that. We take a while making up our minds, but once we do, its full speed ahead. As a Pastor, I find myself being impatient with people who take too long to make a decision to join the church, or get involved, or whatever. But I would much rather have someone who chews it over well before leaping in. Too often we get excited about something, and then weeks or months later they have disappeared because they have lost interest.
I want people who are there day in day out. No excitement needed.They are fully committed to the work. I don't have time to babysit.
I don't think God does either. He's not up in heaven thinking what show does He have to put on next to get people excited about Him. He wants people to be there for Him day in and day out.

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