Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mammaw Did It!

I love this little interchange between my grandchild and I. The link below will take you to the video. It happened at Christmas 2005, but it blesses me everytime I watch it. I love to see her innocence and expressions.
I am also fascinated at her noticing a flaw and even at the age of 15 months already assessing blame.
We tend to notice things that are wrong, flawed, out of place. We quickly try to assess blame, as if to justify its' existence and somehow bring order into our little world. Sometimes things get so flawed that it must be God's fault, so we blame Him. And the more we blame Him, the farther away from Him we get. Only when we see a God of Power, controlling and even using the chaos and flaws around and within us, do we have peace in our life.

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