Thursday, November 1, 2007

Would we have been speaking Spanish?

I have been dwelling on this question of "Does God Work?" Could everything going on in and around my life really be God at work? I keep remembering Hebrews 11:6 where it says those that come to God must believe 2 things:
  1. God IS!
  2. God rewards those who DILIGENTLY seek Him.
So a lot of my wondering about God working could really be a questioning of whether God really is.
I watched the movie "Elizabeth" this week. It reminded me that if it were not for the intervention of the weather, the Spanish Armada would probably have conquered England and we would all be speaking Spanish today. Was God working that day to control the weather? Some would disagree, but I happen to believe God was very much at work.
The fact is that God is always at work, but for some strange reason He limits Himself to our will.

That is why a young person can seemingly make a profession of faith in Christ, and yet later on in life come to the conclusion that there is no God. Was God at work in His life? Most definitely. God is still at work. However, it is up to our will to acknowledge Him.
I made the statement to that young man who no longer believes there is a God, "Do you think you are putting your head in the sand"? He didn't seem to think he was. But to have a system of moral behavior, a standard of behavior you insist your children and wife follow, one that is very similar to God's standard of behavior and then say there is no God?
I believe he has his head in the sand. He does believe in a god, a god he finds more convenient that the one in the Bible.
To say the God is not at work in our lives is to say that our spouse does nothing for us unless they are in our sight. One binding force of marriage is never taking each other for granted. As soon as you do, the marriage is in danger. We take God's working for granted. It is much easier to place ourselves at the center of our own universe. It is more frightening to realize that Jehovah God, Elohim is the center of all life, and that our thoughts, wants and desires are to revolve around Him.

In order to see that God does indeed work; that He even works daily in our lives, we must believe that HE IS, and then have our eyes opened to seeing that which is normally invisible, the very fact of His presence in our lives.

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